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Auction: CSS111 - The Philatelic Collector's Series Sale
Lot: 55

1897 New Currency Surcharges
1897 (7 May) United States Consulate cover from Foochow to Texas, handstamped in blue "UNITED STATES CONSULATE/MAY/7/1897/FUCHAU, CHINA" cds, franked with horizontal strip of four and two singles (one on reverse) 1897 small figures surcharge on dowager 5cts on 5cds, each cancelled by brown Customs Foochow "MAY 7/97" double-ring cds, additionally franked in Shanghai with horizontal strip of three 1895 USA 5s red-brown, watermark 'U' (Scott 270), affixed over two of the China 5cts, cancelled US Postal Agency Shanghai 'MAY 14' numeral '1' duplex, left pair of 5cts adhesives damaged by removal of red wax seal, third 5cts torn, backstamped Customs Shanghai 10.5.97, San Francisco 'JUN 5' transits and Texas 11.6.97 arrival datestamps. An extremely rare mixed US/China franking with accompanying BPA certificate. Photo

1897年5月7日美國領事館封由福州寄美國德克薩斯州, 貼慈壽伍分加蓋小字洋銀5分帶左邊過橋橫4連票及單票两枚 (一枚貼於封背), 銷棕色福州1897年5月7月雙圈海關日戳, 另加貼美國1895年5仙票三枚, 其中二覆貼於慈壽伍份票之上, 銷5月14日美國在上海客郵"1"號郵戳两枚, 另一旁蓋有1897年5月7日美國駐福州領事雙圈日戳. 封背封舌上有破損之美國領事館紅色封口火漆一枚, 慈壽加蓋小字5分票一枚銷棕色福州1897年5月7月雙圈海關日戳, 及旁蓋5月10日上海海關日戳, 另一旁蓋三藩市6月5日中轉戳及6月11日德克薩斯到達戳. 十分難得及珍罕之中美郵資混貼實寄封, 並且帶有BPA証書.

HK$240,000 to HK$280,000

Starting price