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Auction: CSS114 - The Shanghai Postal System
Lot: 259

Local Post
Covers, International Mail
French Post Office: 1896 (25 Sept.) envelope wrapper to London bearing first issue 1c. cancelled by Nanking Local Post dated oval in purple with France "Chine" 5c. pair tied by "shang-hai/chine" c.d.s. (26.9) and London redirection c.d.s. (9.11) and, on the reverse, a faint strike of Shanghai Local Post c.d.s. (26.9) in red.

These stamps were put on sale on 20th September and this is thought to be the earliest example on either commercial or international mail. Photo

H.B.R. Clarke, April 1953

'Ming', September 1988

Beckeman Collection, May 2001

Elling O. Eide, January 2014

1896年9月25日南京寄倫敦新聞紙封套, 貼第一版壹分票, 銷紫色南京書信館橢圓形日戳, 在下端貼法國客郵5仙兩枚, 銷上海9月26日法國客郵局日戳, 封面左端蓋11月9日倫敦轉遞戳; 在封背有一模糊紅色的9月26日上海工部日戳; 南京書信館於1896年9月20日發行第一版郵票, 因而此封相信為貼用該版郵票的存世最早實寄郵件._x000D_ _x000D_ 源流: 1953年4月H.B.R. Clarke. 1988年9月"Ming". 2001年5月Beckeman Collection. 2014年1月Elling O. Eide.

HK$24,000 to HK$28,000

Starting price