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Auction: CSS114 - The Shanghai Postal System
Lot: 313

A selection on two pages which includes examples of the "chinkiang/postal service" bilingual postmark on singles and multiples; the 29mm datestamp including a piece with the adhesives also cancelled by the boxed "PAID" handstamp, 4c. and 1c. Postage Due with a central postmark dated 1897 (1 Feb.) the last day of the Local Post; the 38mm datestamp on Postage Due blocks of four (3) including 1c. variety overprint inverted. A good group. (36)

特選鎮江舊票一組36 枚; 銷各種郵戳, 包括單枚或連票銷 "Chinkiang/postal Service" 中英文戳, 銷29mm 鎮江雙圈日戳的剪片, 亦有銷長框型 "PAID" 戳. 壹分及肆分欠資票銷1897年2月1日戳, 此日戳是工部書信館的尾日戳, 另有三件欠資票四方連䬼38mm 鎮江雙圈日戳, 其中壹分是倒蓋變體. 整體品相中上.

HK$800 to HK$1,000

Starting price